THEIA is a scientific-grade multispectral Earth Observation Imager for nanosatellites. The goal of the imager is to provide data suitable for quantitative remote sensing studies. This can enable a cost-effective solution for providing radiometrically accurate data at a high temporal resolution using multiple EOIs in orbit. The instrument takes images in two user-chosen predefined spectral bands. Post-launch calibration is achieved using a calibration module capable of producing dark and flat frames. Moreover, this is achieved while adhering to the CubeSat standard, fitting inside 1U, and weighing less than 600 g.
Specifications: Spectral range: 200 nm – 1100 nm
Volume: 1U compatible (0.6 U)
Mass: 600 g
GSD without smearing (@ 650 km): 35m
FOV: 2.7 deg x 2.1 deg
Resolution: 943 x 733 px
Spectral bands: 2 (user chosen)
The design of the imager is complete, manufacturing and assembly are in progress and a launch is planned for 2022 on-board the 12U GOMX-5 CubeSat. The imager is designed in cooperation with ESA under the Industry Incentive Scheme and the General Support Technology Programme.
Render (exploded view) of THEIA assembly
You can find out more details about Theia from our IEEE publication: